Friday 12 July 2013

Main Task Thoughts and Ideas 2: Americana

"Jailhouse Rock" Elvis
Another era I find interesting is the 1950's Americana lifestyle, that has been explored in music videos by both Marina and the Diamonds and Lana Del Rey For those who do not know the definition of Americana: Americana refers to artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the history, geography, folklore, and cultural heritage of the United States. Many kinds of material fall within the definition of Americana: paintings, prints and drawings; license plates or entire vehicles, household objects etc. Patriotism and nostalgia play a defining role in the subject." I love the colours of the fifties and the ideology behind the concept [of Americana]- clinging onto something from the past. The fifties in America were a time of change, innovation, creativity and glamour. President Eisenhower, Elvis Presley, Rosa Parks, the Cold War, Marylin Monroe and the launch of Playboy. 
When the Second World War was over (after all the rationing of food, clothing and household goods), there were more jobs and society as a whole could afford more luxuries. Houses were cheaper as were cars and electrical appliances, causing an increase in consumerism. Some have said that the 1950s were "the last age of innocence". In terms of home life, families sat together to eat dinner: there was supposedly peace and harmony at the core of every family. Children went to church, said prayers and sang the National Anthem in school. Mothers were homemakers and cared for the children, Fathers went to work. Naturally, there were issues. Girls who slept with boys or became pregnant were ostracised from society, they were "bad girls". Most boys went to college, whereas most girls where not considered college material and would simply marry and produce children. Fashion and style was considered important. Working "high class" men wore suits and a hat, women wore long dresses/skirts and sweaters. 
I would love to film a 1950's inspired video, but with a twist. It would be set in the household of a married couple with various issues, something that would contrast the ideology. A corrupted woman, a cheating husband, children against religion, violence...
It would be filmed in black and white to create a dark atmosphere, or it could fluctuate between colour and monochrome to represent the broken/changed ideology. 

A major difficulty of doing this would naturally be setting. Large, colonial houses with a front porch are rare in the UK.  Clothing could be sourced from various charity shops and modified to meet the needs required.  Hair and make up could easily be done, although I doubt it will be as extensive as that required for the previous task.

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