Wednesday 3 July 2013

Evaluation of Task

·  What was the purpose of replicating a music video?
The purpose of replicating a music video was to learn the conventions of this type of media text, as well as learn how the editing style/procedures differ from a short film.

·   How successful do you feel you were at replicating this music video?
In general, I think we did alright. The only difficulty was applying the make-up (although that was the most fun) and attempting to get it exactly right. It was also rather difficult to edit, and we only later realized that we should have played the song for our actress while she was lip syncing. Also, we should have calculated the timings of the video to make sure it remains in sync. The lighting was also difficult to replicate, so we attempted to amend it through editing. It did not look the same but we found that it had to do. Overall, however, I think we achieved our goal for the most part.
·   What changes would you make to your: organisation, editing, filming?
We would have created a more useful storyboard, rather than stopping and pausing the original music video for some shots. Filming wise, I think we did rather well- we decided against using a school camera, instead using our own. An issue with that however, was that the files where not compatible with iMovie and thus needed to be converted, which took time. Next time I will also make sure that there are no continuity errors while filming. 

·  How does your chosen music video adhere to the conventions of a music video?
Camera movement in typical videos follows the artist as they move around, including tilts, pans, tracking and crane shots. Ours are all fairly static, excluding a slight pan down the artists face, from her eyes to her lips. Jump cuts are very common, which we did have to use to move from different scene to scene. We also used a soft focus at the beginning and end of our video, which could be a convention. The colours used are within convention, as bright colours are typically used in pop videos, but I would argue that the genre of music Marina and Diamonds belongs to is more indie than that, thus going against convention. 

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