Wednesday 10 July 2013

Inspiration: Marina And The Diamonds

Marina's latest album Electra Heart uses the 1950's women's culture (with a sinister twist) as a backdrop from her character (not alter ego) Electra Heart to communicate various issues surrounding love.  The songs are based around the Electra Heart character and four archetypes—Diamandis's own take on the facets of female personality that include the Primadonna, Su-Barbie-A, the Teen Idle and the Homewrecker. The entire project is split in parts; there are eleven.
The acoustic versions of the songs are excellent to see the 1950's inspired attire.

"I based the project around character types commonly found in love stories, film and theatre, usually ones associated with power and control in love, as opposed to weakness or defeat."

The Archetypes
This short video introducing the archetypes that shape the songs of the album.

The rainbow of colours in this video create a vibrant, open and playful atmosphere and reminds one of the old colour films from the turn of the 20th Century. The massive chandeliers and ornate rooms generate an atmosphere of wealth and old world charm. Marina's bright, pastel coloured clothing suggest innocence and playfulness, reflected by the lyrics of the song. I love how it slows down and switches to black and white at the car wash...A very cinematic video.

The presentation of an archetype set to the instrumental version of the song "Valley Of The Dolls". A very creepy video, especially as one can not see the figures face

E. V. O. L
Predominantly modern, but interspersed with elements of the 1950's. Some of the clips are quite strange and haunting such as the walking through the field scene. I like how the edited "backwards" parts alienate and unsettle the viewer, as does the high contrast.

Although set in "modern" locations, the video is reminiscent of 1970's America, such as the red and white starred blouse, diners and milkshakes, palm trees, television, cheer jackets, etc. The concept of the wig is interesting in terms of character, pretending to be someone or something else, and when removed, becoming who one really is.

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