Friday 5 July 2013

Interpretation of the video

We believe the various decorations to be symbolic of stages of finding her self. She attempts to be various different people or "robot" before finally washing it all of and simply being herself, represented through no decoration. The jewelled decoration perhaps represented that she is finally comfortable with herself and realizes that being herself is the best that she can be. The glittering persona is the person she is the least like, she is almost unrecognizable. As the pink, green and black painted person, she is recognizable, but still not herself, she is still hidden. In several quick shots, we see her washing the paint off, realizing that she is not the person she is pretending to be. Penultimately, she is naked, without decoration, herself. Finally, she is proud to be who she is, not caring if she fails, embellished with sparkling jewels.  Notice that at the end of the video all "personas" look down in a "farewell" gesture, except the final version of herself.

An alternate interpretation could be that she is in a failing relationship and has changed herself in order to impress her boyfriend and has realized that this is not worth her while.

Marina said of the song:  ["I Am Not a Robot"] was me singing to myself. It's me saying, stop being so ridiculous, you can't let having a fear of failing hold you back and you're just one person. It's connected with a lot of people. I knew that would happen when I was writing it. I had a funny feeling."

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