Friday 5 July 2013

Main Task Ideas and Thoughts 1: Titus Andronicus

For our main task in September, we must create a music video from scratch. I am currently considering what kind of song and what kind of narrative video should accompany it.

1) Currently, I am very interested in Shakespeare's Roman plays, in particular Titus Andronicus , a brutal revenge story that is also presently being shown at the RSC Theatre in Stratford-Upon-Avon. 
It is Shakespeare's bloodiest and most violent work and traditionally one of his least respected plays. Titus is thought to be Shakespeare's first tragedy and is often considered as an attempt to emulate the violent and bloody revenge plays of his contemporaries.

The plot focuses on that of a Roman General returned from a brutal ten year war against the Goths to bury his fallen sons. To honour their deaths he sacrifices the eldest son of his enemies' Queen and prisoner. Thus a chain of violent murders and mutilations begins as Titus struggles to "escape the horror of violent deeds done in a violent world."

I find the concept of revenge interesting, especially the form it takes in play. The play also focuses heavily on honour and family ties, coming into conflict when Titus' daughter is raped and has her tongue and hands cut off. This forces Titus to contemplate an honour killing, which he does finally execute. Although difficult to explore in the limited time a music video provides, I believe that perhaps a scene or two could be interesting to explore. Perhaps the most iconic scenes of the play could be incorporated. Furthermore, Shakespeare makes use of various classical references and metaphors that could also be interesting to use and incorporate.
In terms of music, I think that one of the songs of the album "Happiness" by HURTS would be effective.

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