Saturday 29 March 2014

Pure Experimentation With Old Camera

I recently acquired a Canon EOS 300 (analogue), which my mother had bought over eBay a while back, and a simple Yashicka T3, which had belonged to my stepfather's mother. As Oxford's weather has been quite temperamental recently, I decided to take some photos of my local area. The fog that last for a few days allowed for some dramatic images, and the clearer days brought a few picturesque sunsets. Below are scanned versions of the developed photographs. Naturally the non-scanned versions look better. These images have not been edited- the effect on the eighth photograph was created by accidentally exposing the film in the camera prematurely. I think it looks quite interesting.

I think that these could make an interesting album cover. It could be argued that none of these literally correspond to the album name "Mother Cocaine", but a wide range of album covers have the same 'issue'- Panic! At The Disco's A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Marina and the Diamonds' The Family Jewels, Sting's The Dream of the Blue Turtles- none of them have literal manifestations of the album name. I believe this to be more interesting and artistic.

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