Sunday 2 March 2014

Media Theory Case Studies Summary

My case studies focus on the representation of women in American science-fiction television series, specifically Star Trek. I focus on Uhura from Star Trek: The Original Series (1960's), Deanna Troi Star Trek: The Next Generation (1980's) and Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Voyager (2000's)

Character: Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero
Actress: Jeri Ryan
Seasons: 3-7
Run: 1997-2003
Assimilated by the cybernetic alien pseudo-race known as the Borg at a young age and taken in 18 years later by the Starship Voyager to regain her humanity, Seven of Nine is one of the most complex and developed characters in Star Trek history. As a woman, she presents an unusual enigma through the contrast of her strongly sexualized attire and fierce, intellectual mind. As a character, she bring conflict to the show (previously absent) and presented an outsiders perspective on humanity and its follies. Ryan remarked that combining non-human qualities with an attractive human appearance was a great move by the producers: weekly viewer ratings increased by more than 60%. The character juxtaposed what a woman "should be"- she had the appearance of a woman, but her temperament was cold, logical, matter-of-fact and extremely blunt with difficulties expressing human emotion. Such a portrayal goes against the stereotypical representation of women, offering a completely new type woman. However, by the end of the last season Seven of Nine pursues a romantic relationship with the first officer, making her conform to the stereotype of women needing men. It does, nonetheless, show character development in that Seven has 'learned' to be human.
The character's attire, numerous form-fitting catsuits with distinct rib-lines and a high stiff neck, was criticized by veteran Star Trek writer/producer Ronald D. Moore, who felt she should have a more Borg-like appearance. Her outfit also annoyed some who felt that it was an attempt by the show's creators to make her sexually appealing to some viewers, without any storyline purposes intended. Within the show, the rationale was given that the catsuit had been designed by the Doctor with certain properties that would help her maintain her human skin once her Borg exo-plating had been removed; the further explanation was that Seven would feel more comfortable wearing clothing which mimicked that exo-plating.

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