Thursday 17 October 2013

The Iliad, Relationships and Music Video Conventions.

Having recently re-read Homer's Iliad for my Extended Project, I am once again in awe of the relationship
between Patroclus and Achilles, and think that in our music video, we should strongly focus on the nature of the relationship between the characters. As I considering taking Classics and Film in Germany, I believe this to be relevant to my media work.

In the Iliad, Achilles and Patroclus are involved in a ten year war against the Trojan's, who have taken Menelaus' wife, Helen of Sparta. His brother, Agamemnon arranges an army to attack Troy and take Helen by force after diplomacy fails. Achilles is the greatest warrior in Greece, the star of the army. But when Agamemnon insults him, Achilles resigns from the army, allowing the Trojans to beat the Argive army back. Only when Patroclus is killed in battle by the Trojan Hector (son of the king Priam of Troy) does Achilles return to battle for revenge, murdering Hector and securing a victory for Agamemnon and the Argive army.

The nature of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus has been a sector of study for hundreds of years, and remains an enigma. Some have interpreted the relationship as homosexual, whereas some have argued that is is purely homosocial. The ambiguity of this relationship was mirrored and adopted by Macedonian warrior Alexander the Great and his coeval Hephaestion.

I would like to have this kind of ambiguity and mysteriousness surrounding the relationship of the two characters in our music video.  It is very conventional to have the couple in a song/music video to be in a romantic relationship, and as the Indie music genre is about breaking conventions, we thought the relationship between our main characters could remain an enigma.

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