Tuesday 22 October 2013

Target Audience

This post sees the formation of a Target Audience Profile; this is necessary in terms of creating an image and literary account of our potential target market.
Coachella 2013

As our music video conforms to the indie genre, our target audience must be the select group of people that listen/enjoy that genre. Specifically, we are targeting middle class, unique, intellectual men and women. We have chosen to target both men and women because the gender of the genre consists of both male and female listeners. If I were to describe the most common example of my target audience, they are likely to be young intellectuals with a middle class background- parents who have attended university, each earning £25,000, living in a detached house worth £279,000, all of which would be in the ABC1 bracket. The young men and women attending university or the equivalent are likely to achieve professional status in the future. In terms of relationship statuses, I think our audience are typically ‘in a relationship’, boyfriend and girlfriend kind of  relationship. At indie music festivals such as Reading/Leeds, Coachella, The Great Escape, Electric Picnic, Boardmasters and T in the Park, you can often see boyfriends with the girlfriends on their shoulders, offering them a better view of the musical performance. 

To depict an image of the target audiences personality: They are educated, sophisticated people with strong opinions, who are open-minded and perceptive. They care deeply for their friends, attending events such as festivals/gigs and holidays together. Their love for music knows no bounds, and they enjoy discussing music with others, getting passionate about their favourite artists, while remaining open to try something new. Generally, their iPods contain a variety of artists from the past and present. In terms of music videos, I think they would generally not seek them out, but would watch them if they had the time, preferring to appreciate the music, rather than the video.

I can only presume that some of the favourite artists of our TA could be; Arcade Fire, Marina and the Diamonds, Foals and White Lies. However, I can imagine some being interested in artists in  sub-genres of indie such as Electric Six, Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Garage Rock), Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Panic! At The Disco (Emo/Pop Punk). In addition, I believe some of our TA would also have an element of nostalgia and appreciation of past bands such as The Smiths, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Queen, Bikini Kill, Nirvana, Patti Smith and The Ramones.

Electric Six

Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Fall Out Boy
Panic! At The Disco
Depeche Mode
Bikini Kill

Furthermore, I can see our target audience being avid film fans, enjoying films from a variety of directors and genres such as Resevoir Dogs, Sex Lies and Videotape, Casino Royale, A Home At The End Of The World, Tangled, Black Swan, Donnie Darko, Seven Psychopaths, The Hunt and Wreck It Ralph. As for literature, I think classic authors such as John Steinbeck, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Oscar Wilde would be appreciated as much as contemporary authors like Steig Larsson and Ian McEwan.

Clothing and appearance- wise, stereotypes will apply. Girls will have long hair, boys short, although this may be different in sub-genres. For women: cut off shorts, vintage/printed shirts (too big), floral patterns (skirts, scarves, dresses), boots, patterned tights, crocheted or fringed vests or jackets, denim, stackable bracelets and rounded sunglasses. For men: plaid shirts, brogues, loose t-shirts,  necklace, hat, hoodies, skinny jeans. Smoking would also be common.

                           Here are just a few images that I feel, portrays the lives of my target audience.

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