Tuesday 22 October 2013

Morrissey- Ouija Board Ouija Board Inspiration

After having seen Morrissey's music video for his song 'Ouija Board Ouija Board', I thought the spinning effect (half way through the video) would be perfect for our music video. The only problem would be the re-creation of this effect- we don't have the money to buy such equipment/technology. However, we believe that we could build this be attaching a camera to a rotating drill or table sander.
Our teacher raised the issue of health and safety- we thought that perhaps a hand operated drill would be easier to control (and thus more effective), while also being safer than an automatic drill. However, after consideration, we decided not to do this. It would be too complicated and too much could go wrong. Nonetheless, we did think that its use in Morrissey's (and our own) music video would have been effective.

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