Sunday 27 October 2013

Music Video Deconstruction: Marina and the Diamonds- 'Hollywood'

Artist: Marina and the Diamonds
Song: Hollywood
Album: The Family Jewels
Genre: Indie
Director: Kinga Burza
Year: 2009
Audience: 17+
Country of Origin: UK

The opening close-up shot shows Marina mouthing the words 'American dream is the American queen', making the viewer focus on the lips and the lyrics being spoken, giving insight in to content of the video. In this case, a satirical portrait of America. The frame cutting off below the eyes may signify the 'facelessness' of America,  focussing on instead on the artificial- the painted lips. These bright red lips could signify the 'beauty' of America. It also creates a strong contrast to the dark hair surrounding the face, making it the focal point of the viewers attention. The camera zooms out to concentrate on Marina's face and the large American flag cake with a single candle. This may personify how America is driven by consumerism and capitalism. Make-up has been used to create a sultry/seductive look thus enticing male viewers and furthering the theme of beauty and consumerism.

 Here, the shot is canted and a reflection of a woman, described in the lyrics as 'tall, tanned, hot, blond called Anya…', conforming to the American stereotypical woman, with a twist. I like how the problem of reflecting camera crew was 'solved' via the paparazzi. The 'Anya' actress has been styled reminiscent of Madonna and suggests a similar lifestyle, as seen by the paparazzi behind her.  The lines of the mirror going through the face of 'Anya' could suggest the cracks in superficiality and/or a split in personality, two facedness- this could be interpreted from the lyrics: 'Why do you wanna be a hollywood wife? 'Cause I don't wanna end up living in a dive on Vine, You'd do anything for a dime…'  Next, the camera focusses on the singer on a patriotic bed, dressed accordingly in the same colours: red, white and blue, with the addition of gold, perhaps symbolising wealth and capitalism. The blue brocade curtain in the background also supports this interpretation.

This shot reminds me of Sam Mendes' film American Beauty- rose petals featured heavily in the film. Here, instead of red, the petals are blue, maybe suggesting loneliness among beauty. Within the shot, the predominant colours are blue, creating a strong contrast between Marina's bright red lips and cheerleader shirt. The shot also breaks the fourth wall, the 'character' of the film is interacting with the viewer by blowing blue petals at their 'face', making the viewer feel involved.

In this wide shot, we are shown a variety of American stereotypes: cheerleader, jock, glamour model, politician (Barack Obama), call girl, all of which are clothed in the patriotic colours of the American flag. The lyrics being sung in this shot are: 'A fat security making place for me…', again mentioning something that American is known for- its airtight security. The purpose of this line with this shot is to show the viewer everything that we 'know' about America, it's reputation.                    
These two shots focus on what America is most famous for- it's popular culture. The Academy Awards (first shot) are the most broadcast/televised and prestigious events of the year, representing wealth, fame, honour, pride and narcissism- the golden statue. This shot exemplifies this further through the setting- ornate white and gold stucco decorates the walls and just above Marina's head hangs a massive chandelier. The shoes she wear's are also gold, again representing money, and the dress (silver and shiny) is one typically seen on the 'red carpet'. While clutching the award the lyrics say: 'I've been living in the movie scene (puking American dreams)' evoking the famous quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby: 'Her voice is full of money.'  The last shot depicts Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley look-a-likes, furthering the concept of American iconography. It subtly shows the viewer everything they know about America, satirically juxtaposing the lyrics. This video generally. reminds me of The Great Gatsby,
with its warning of superficiality, consumerism and broken dreams



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