Sunday 20 April 2014

Rough Cut Of Music Video

This the rough cut of our music video. This was (with some minor changes) how our music video was going to look/play. It is quite a lot longer than our final version, and some dodgy shots that we were advised to remove. It also has a lot more 'nature' shots which are media teacher said detracted from the narrative, so we removed them. The beginning is slightly different too- our final video starts with Ophelia walking in the forest and the 'break-up' scene is sped up to make it appear slightly unnatural. Furthermore, we did not add an effect to the scene as we did here. This way, it would make it appear more recent. We also changed the name of the band to avoid copyright issues and to make the ancillary more interesting. Several other shots have been cut as well due to shakiness or general 'wrongness'. We also had a huge continuity error with the hat (I had suggested we not use a hat to begin with because it would cause more issues, but Conall insisted it was "very indie"), forcing us to re-film certain shots.

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