Sunday 20 April 2014

First Draft Digipak

This is our finished album cover. I think it turned out quite well.

We decided that after making all the images vibrant, we would keep the CD as plain as possible. I think it's quite effective.

 These are again photographs that I took but with the gradient changed. We thought it would be a good idea to have completely different colours throughout. It emphasizes the drug/tripping element referenced in our album name, Mother Cocaine.

This a net of the final product. It is slightly squished due to Photoshop formatting. We like the contrast between the colours of the font cover and back.

Questions for target audience feedback:
- How would you describe it in three words?
- What do you like the album cover?
- What don't you like about the album cover?
- Do you think it fits with the conventions of the indie genre?
- Would you buy this album? Is is visually appealing?

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