Wednesday 28 August 2013

Reading Festival 2013

This year, I managed to attend the Reading Festival with a friend. The music performed across the three days was very varied and has introduced me to new musicians and the music video's accompanying the songs.
 Below are some of my favourite songs that were performed, along with their music videos.

The Blackout- Children Of The Night

This video incorporates that perfect family ideal, soon to be trashed by the "children of the night", interspersed with segments of the band performing the song. I like the use of shadows instead of people to convey the message of "night". 

The Blackout- Save Ourselves (The Warning) 
Continuing where "Children Of The Night" left off.

Editors- Eat Raw Meat = Blood Drool
This is quite possibly one of the strangest and creepiest music videos I have ever seen. Each scene depicting a serious message, often paired with the sign of the illuminati. The director said " Ultimately the video paints a truthful picture of the lies which affect our current state of existence in a (so called) free world. From the moment we’re born we are controlled, manipulated, and led astray from what really matters in life – freedom"

Editors- Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors

U N F I N I S H E D 

Sunday 18 August 2013

Inspiration: "PLUSH" Film

So far the stills, music and "trailer" released from PLUSH look interesting.
The official synopsis reads: After losing her band mate and brother to a drug overdose, rising rock star Hayley finds herself in a downward spiral. The second album from her band Plush is received as a critical and commercial disaster. She finds new hope and friendship in Enzo, the replacement guitarist who inspires her to reach new creative heights. But soon their collaboration crosses the line sexually and Hayley, who is married with two children, retreats from Enzo’s advances. As Hayley slowly discovers Enzo’s dark and troubled history, she realizes she may have let a madman into her home and that her mistake may cost the lives of people closest to her. Not exactly groundbreaking or original material, but interesting enough to use for a media project.
As far as music videos are concerned, the trailer might as well be one. However, what I really love the almost gritty feel of the scenes- I'd really like to make a music video that's quite dark, violent and punk rock. Again, the colours are fantastic, I love the dark blues contrasting with the yellow/golden light. The scene in the trailer with the cellophane wrapped around a woman's face looks interesting- dangerous to recreate, but could be done on a model. It would be a very "obvious" music video, but I think that if some of the conventions were broken, it
could make for a very interesting music video.




My Attempt At 1950's Twisted Housewife Ideal

I am increasingly inclined towards a 1950's homelife music video. In order to see how it would be done/set up, I have taken the pictures below.



I decided to create various different characters: two middle-class, homemaking women, two upper-class, languid ladies,  one unsatisfied wife and mistress, one single, attention seeking lady and one working class, depressive, alcoholic wife. If I were to create a music video, I would most likely explore the characters of some or all of these women- their situation, relationships, weaknesses etc. 

Models: K. Clarke and E. Slater
Photographs: Maria Uebele